The Riddle of Santa Claus

“How does Santa get to all the houses in one night?” “How does Santa know what each kid wants for Christmas?” “What if your house doesn’t have a chimney—how does Santa get inside?” “How do all the presents for the whole world fit into one sleigh?” On and on the...


The standard Catholic mass liturgy includes a call-and-response section where the priest says, “Let us give thanks to the Lord our God” and the congregation responds, “It is right and just.”  The priest goes on to say, “It is truly right and just, our duty and our...

The Blessing of Emptiness

Spirit of Emptiness,             Of infinite space and time without end, I give thanks for the emptying that has entered my life.    I am grateful for the blessings of subtraction that have come my way:             For the breakup of relationships that had become...


Myths and fairytales frequently depict aspects of nature being capable of speech, sometimes because a spirit inhabits them and sometimes because nature seems to be capable of communicating with humans, though perhaps in ways we may not readily notice.  Many spiritual...


I recently read a review of a new book that purports to trace the development of a trend in American life towards preferring a reality of one’s own making to “actual” reality.  As examples of this trend, the book mentions cults and assorted weird religious trends such...