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  After a very long time of weekly therapy appointments with no evident change or lifting of the depression that gripped me, I one day marched into the therapist’s office to declare that I was done with trying to improve, to get better, to make changes in...


  A member of my congregation once argued that the key element in aging well was learning to be dependent.  I felt terrified by such an idea—because it rang true for me.  We spend the first half of our lives developing an increasing level of independence, from...


I recently came way too close to a tornado, close enough to be in the swirl of debris a tornado accumulates along its path, close enough to narrowly miss having a tree dropped on my car.  As is often the case when one skates near disaster, the tornado encounter has...


As a minister, I believe that keeping promises is crucial and hold it as one of my highest values.  Within a congregation, covenants—which are a series of promises the people in a congregation make to one another—serve to bind individuals together in a community. ...


I thought by now my life would be different, or rather that I would be different.  I took to heart that typical response of adults to children’s questions once complicated matters have moved into focus, how “you’ll understand when you get older.” I counted on reaching...

The Same River Twice

No one ever steps in the same river twice, for it is not the same river and one is not the same person. – Heraclitus I am returning to my blog and website after a long time away.  Having been immersed in interim ministry that required the exhausting process of...

Showing Up

One phrase I hear often in conversations about church gatherings is the phrase “showing up”:  people talk of the need to show up, the importance of showing up, just how a person shows up.  With the pandemic, we learned a whole new way of showing up that had not...

Welcoming Discomfort

In a recent meeting of those leading antiracist work in the church I presently serve, we were asked to reflect on how we “step into discomfort” in our lives.  The question has its roots in the recognition that in order to do antiracist work, specifically the part of...

An Absence of Signs

Perhaps because of the wonderful availability of GPS systems that can guide us to almost any destination, even give us options of routes that allow us to avoid road construction or tolls, we may fall into believing that no matter the course of our life journey, we...