Getting Back to Sin

The fundamentalist church of my childhood fed me a steady diet of sin.  Week after week, I heard in Sunday School lessons and sermons that all of us were sinful, hopelessly mired in evil, and nothing we did could make things better.  Though the church offered us the...

What the Pandemic Taught Us about Stillness

In the early days of the lockdown, I remember noticing how quiet the world had become.  Less traffic when I drove, less traffic noise on the streets outside my home, fewer sounds of people going by on the sidewalks because everyone separated as they drew near.  Across...

What the Pandemic Taught Us About Death

  Another insight we may eventually discover from our experience of the pandemic will come from the incomprehensible numbers of deaths, staggering figures of lives lost despite the care many of us took to follow safety guidelines, to wear masks and wash hands and...

What The Pandemic Taught Us About Bodies

With the race to be vaccinated underway, with many celebrating being able to resume a semblance of normality, with churches discussing how to reopen safely, we can perhaps begin to contemplate what the meaning of our pandemic experience has been, recognizing that such...